Rants -n- Raves -n- Odds -n- Ends

- Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the U.S. (1809-1865)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Texas Polygamy sect

If you know nothing about this current event, but encounter photos such as these, wouldn't the photos alone creep you out? Look at these crazy, meticulous and ridiculous hair styles. All of these women are identical. Even in their mannerisms. They all use a soft voice and speak slowly. Almost like they are all on some drug that makes them move in slow motion. Absolutely, unequivocally creepy. Think Stepford Wives...

Any woman that would condone the "marriage" of a 13 year old daughter to a 45 year old man with other "wives" has a screw loose. And don't preach to me about freedom of religion. No person under 18 should have life choices made for them. All humans should have the opportunity to grow and mature and form their own ideas and opinions. This is not freedom of religion, this is an excellent example of freedom FROM religion. 

The recent interview with Larry King Live is telltale. Mr. King specifically asks three women from this sect if they have knowledge about underage girls being married to older men or men having sex with young girls. All you have to do is watch this segment and you can see it in their eyes. These women have no experience lying and it shows in their voice, movements and eye contact, or lack thereof. When they are asked about their husbands, they refuse to answer and only refer to their children. When asked about state law they only make reference to laws they recognize. (i.e. 13 year old girls entering into "marriage" with older men.) It is devastatingly sad.

This kind of cult like environment is not healthy for anyone. In fact there have been accusations that they have been designed as a method for cheap labor. This sect has "a business tied to the group receiving a nearly $1 million loan from the federal government and $1.2 million in military contracts." These families live under the pretext of serving God while the coffers are growing without the families receiving benefit (other than basic needs). 

This is just the beginning. What happens to the boy children once they reach 18? You probably don't want to know. But if you do, there is a lot of information out there. Here is an interesting blog about Texas polygamy that might be worth checking out.

This situation poses interesting and complicated questions to and about our legal system and how it will define the term 'religion'. I will watch with interest as this all plays out.

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