Rants -n- Raves -n- Odds -n- Ends

- Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the U.S. (1809-1865)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

R.I.P. Sydney

"You think that not being caught in a lie is the same thing as telling the truth." So went Sydney Pollack's favorite line of dialogue, which he reused in various forms to ideal effect in a number of subtly tense, slightly off-kilter movies that he made over nearly half a century. The filmmaker - a director and producer by trade but an actor by training - died of Cancer Monday May 27, 2008 at his home in Los Angeles, at age 73. He leaves behind a body of work in cinema and television virtually unparalleled in modern movies, one that inspired audiences (and me) while crisscrossing genres. Rest in peace, Sydney, we'll miss you.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

My new office

So, These photos show my new office. Isn't it beautiful? It is right 
along a river that runs through 
town. My office is located on the 
ground floor. The second floor is 
an apartment with a large deck 
and a pool table on it. Pretty nice 
place to live. Now, if only I could 
finagle living upstairs and only 
having to walk downstairs to work!

For now, the nature view is my view 
when I'm sitting at my desk ( I 
look through another office that 
has plate glass windows, but you 
get the idea). If you look closely 
you'll see a damn. All day long, 
I watch fishers, folks walking 
dogs, runners, bikers, and when 
I look far to my left, I can see 
crew teams practicing. Pretty 
cool! However, I have to admit 
that it is a little hard to watch 
all day long and not participate.

My office space is offered at a 
discount and I am grateful for 
all of the amenities. Hard to beat 
these working conditions. Plus 
I really like my job. It is a 
perfect fit for me!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Funny looking kitties...

"Please don't play with the black and white kitties!"

This is my plea to my dog Cooper who thinks they are ever so cute. She has played with several of the tiny and not so sweet creatures. I keep tomato juice on hand at all times.

Fortunately for these girls, baby black and white kitties aren't developed enough to make a stink about being played with yet! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My sister's column

My half sister lives in Mumbai, India and works as a graphic artist for Rolling Stone, India (just released in the last year). The image above is one of her first pieces that was published. It is titled, City of Ghosts and has cultural references that don't make sense to me, but nevertheless, I'm proud of her. She is currently working on a graphic novel that I am anxiously awaiting.  Stay tuned!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

An odd form of customer service...

This photo was taken from the window of a "beauty salon" that is next to an Indian grocery store that I shop at. The sign reads, 
'Attention Patrons
There is no loitering outside of the salon
Please smoke in the back!!
Thank you

Hmmm. I haven't been inside, and frankly, I'm a little scared. So, I just move on inside to the grocery store grateful that I gave up cigarettes years ago! 

Then, da-da-da-dum-da-daaa!  My hair stylist moved to a new location! Imagine my fear when he told he moved to a location on the same corner as this "salon". I was ever so thankful when I learned that it was NOT this salon. When I called to make my first appointment I was told that this salon had not had their lease renewed. Huh, wonder why?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Americas plastic surgery obsession

Americas obsession with plastic surgery is creepy. We have become a society obsessed with youth to the point that normally intelligent people loose their ability to actually SEE themselves. All you have to do is look at what celebrities are doing to themselves. Check out this piece I found on YouTube. The music that accompanies it is very apropos. The video is mesmerizing, yet horrifying. It shows celebrities in early photos and later photos and emphasizes that they have been under the knife. It becomes very clear that there is something extremely wrong with their self image. Interestingly, the men show the craziness the most. Look for Micky Rourke and Tony Curtis. These guys are scary looking. 

Then in this piece (which does not have appropriate music) you'll see a bit more of the same, but in side by side, before and after photos. It's just all so sad. How have we convinced people who by all definitions are good looking, that they aren't good enough?

'If only I had a smaller nose... smoother forehead... larger breasts... less wrinkles... etc.' 

Finally, this slide show put together by Dr. Tony Youn, a Michigan-based board-certified plastic surgeon is of special interest. He notes what surgeries have worked and which didn't work by showing before and after photos with commentary about what may have been done. It's interesting to make your way through this at your own pace. It is unsettling how something so creepy, is also so hard to turn away from. 

I hope we see a change in this trend soon before we all end up like the episode on The Twilight Zone titled 'Number Twelve Looks Just Like You'. Anyone remember that one? Here's the premise: A totalitarian state forces people to all look like the same few people. A girl tires to keep her identity but eventually confirms and changes her appearance to be accepted and beautiful. I miss The Twilight Zone. That was a thought provoking show.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Don't you just love 'em!


And in particular this elephant? I love this photo!

Do you know how intelligent elephants are? And that they form social networks? They have family structures just like humans. They care for their extended family members and mourn their passing. They even preform a burial type service for their lost members. Knowing all of this, how can you not love and respect them? 

"They are a large, funny animal, and they seem to know when they have done something dumb. they convey a sense of knowing how they fit into the world." 
-J. Poole quoted in The Fate of the Elephant

Oh, if only us humans had a better understanding of the world. That we are just visitors for a short while.

Here is a lovely fantasy video about an elephant and a trampoline. Take a look.

The evil Starbucks corporation!

Starbucks has a new logo! It features a bare-chested mermaid with the tail fin split in half (the brown image). This is actually the original logo for the company. The previous green logo showed less of the mermaid. This change has prompted a Christian group from San Diego called The Resistance has raised issue with it. They want you to complain to the company or at least boycott the company. 

Oh, the horrors! 

Of all the issues in this world, this is the one they choose as the most important one to champion. Imagine what could be accomplished if the energy that was expended making issue with this, was redirected to something of importance. What a waste of time and energy.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Braille drugs

This is a close up of a drug package I purchased from a Canadian pharmacy. If you look closely, you can see the raised bumps, which are actually braille. How come the US isn't this progressive? In so many ways Canadians surpass us in technology and insight.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

5 seconds of fun!

5 seconds of fun! I love this! 

I have an affinity for small animals. Probably comes from my first pets (not family pets) which were two female mice. The idea was they wouldn't fight, plus we wouldn't have lots more baby mice. Problem was they were already pregnant. All of a sudden we had something like 12 mice! Which wasn't crazy enough, but they would get loose and head for the big bag of food in my bedroom. I'd come home from school and find them feasting on mice mix. And in my dreams this is what they would look like when I opened the bag. 

My mom made me give them to the local pet store because we couldn't keep them all, besides who could afford to fix all of them? So, I took Cocoa, Mocha, and the gang to their eminent deaths to become snake food. It broke my heart when I realized what was going to happen to them. Every day I'd walk to the pet store on my way home from school and look into their cage. Every so often one would go missing, I'd look in the snake cages for the tell tale bump. Sometimes it was there, sometimes it wasn't. I'd like to think some of them got adopted....

It was one of the hardest lessons I had ever learned. It broke my small heart.

But not to leave you on a sad note. Watch this and you'll cheer up!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Smoking ban closer to reality

From a previous post you would think that I would support a ban on smoking in bars and restaurants in Michigan. A bill is making it's way thought the house and senate right now that would make this law. Well, I have to say that I do not support this bill and here's why. 

No one makes you eat in a restaurant that has a smoking section. If you don't want to be around smoke then eat somewhere else. 

But you ask, what about the employees? I have two things to say on this. First, let's face it, restaurant work is easy to find. If you don't want to work where smoking is permitted, then find a new job. Second, from my experience speaking with employees who work in a restaurant that went from a smoking section to non-smoking only, they prefer the latter. Why? You ask. Because they make more money in tips from smokers. These folks saw a dramatic reduction in the cash they were taking home after the change.

Besides, shouldn't the choice be up to the owner? Ultimately the owner knows his or her business best and should be able to make the right policies for the continued health of their investment. (Please no health comments. I'm well aware of the issues with smoking. That word was selected on purpose.) 

I object to to this potential law for many reasons, the final observation being the continued regulation of the public by government. If the law makes sense (no smoking in public places) then yes. When there are other options, (go to a different restaurant) then no. In my eyes, it is as simple as that.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If only it were this easy....

This photo came from fridgewatcher.com which I have written about previously. The site is dedicated to the contents of refrigerators from around the world. 

This picture came from Kentwood, Michigan. If only I could post a notice and have my refrigerator filled! It probably doesn't work for this person either, but I like the concept! This would be a good trick for a cat or dog to learn. If only....!

For me, it's a nicotine addiction....

The commercial opens with folks talking about their revelation about smoking.

They proclaim that for them smoking is more than just a habit, well for them, it is an ADDICTION! My oh my, that's why it has been so hard for them to quit. All this time they thought they had a habit, when in fact, it turns out it was so much more. What a revelation. That's why it has been so hard for them to quit. Not a habit, but an addiction! The light bulb finally went off! I'm ADDICTED! Well, that explains it all. Here they thought they just had a habit, but no it is an addiction. 

So, where the heck have these smokers been? (Probably huddling outside puffing away in the snow and rain.) How come they haven't seen any of the information on nicotine? It's even on the side of their cigarette packages. Maybe smokers can't read? Maybe nicotine mixes up the letters and causes dyslexia? Perhaps it affects their vision and they are unable to focus on nicotine information. Whatever it is, apparently Philip Morris thinks they are really stupid. This commercial is insulting and dumb. But then, often that is the norm and not atypical. 

One final observation, isn't it interesting that Phillip Morris is promoting quitting smoking. Hmm. Think about it....

Monday, May 5, 2008

A new beak for a Bald Eagle

This bald eagle was found in 2005 scourging for food after having her beak shot off. She was rescued and cared for the past two years at an Anchorage, Alaska sanctuary. She has been hand fed for the past couple of years since her current condition makes eating impossible without help. Now there is a scientist that is working to build her a prosthetic beak so she could eat on her own. He has spent the past two years designing one from a mold taken of what she currently has. 

This is the first time something of this magnitude has been undertaken. The beak team are hopeful that results will enable her to feed herself. If they are successful this 7 year old gal should live to be 50. Here's hoping they are successful!

It's Mom's Day soon!

Don't forget Mother's Day this Sunday! 

Haven't thought about Mother's Day yet? Just what do you get Mom? If you are hard pressed for an idea, how about his one? Give the gift of life to a homeless pet. My favorite animal charity, Best Friends, has this wonderful program where you select the type of animal that you would like to sponsor. You can select a cat, a dog, a barnyard animal, a bird, a bunny, or how about a general wild life animal? Many animals are in need, so don't delay. Won't you consider sending a message that means more than cut flowers which will die in a week. Spend your money wisely and sponsor a needy animal!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

For those that know me, you know I love food (and dogs). I love eating food, I love cooking food and I'm trying my hand at growing vegetables for the first time this year. 

Food and I are good friends. Well, that is, good food. And food that never had a head, which is why I find humor in this and a tiny bit of horror, too. 

It's another cartoon from the cartoon bank at The New Yorker magazine. 

Thursday, May 1, 2008

World Geography

How quickly can you identify where all 50 states are located in the US? To find out and test your skill click here! Then when you have mastered that there are other geography games that you can play. Who said learning isn't fun?