Rants -n- Raves -n- Odds -n- Ends

- Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the U.S. (1809-1865)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More hate speech

Don't ask how I found this. Well, okay, I found it through a series of links beginning with the Religulious page featuring the new documentary staring Bill Mahur. 

They're Coming to Your Town is a 28 minute rant about how the "gay agenda" is coming to your town. It uses Eureka Springs as the example of what can happen to your town if you don't buy this and share it with your Sunday school class. They even offer discounts if you purchase multiple copies.

Homophobia is dangerous and ignorant. I don't understand why we can't let folks live the lives they choose as long as they are not hurting others. It makes no sense to me.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I can't help myself

Looks like I'm on a political roll right now. I found this the other day and decided I needed to share it.

Take it to heart, and vote Democratic this November. No more of the same please.

And don't get me started on Sarah Palin. She is quickly becoming a joke which is comforting as that can only work in the Democrats favor. 

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A little political humor

Sometimes (regularly) this is how it feels to the average Joe. I fear for where our country is headed. It sure seems like the little guys (voters) are bearing the burden of the fat cats (5% of the population that owns 95% of the wealth). I hope that we will see some real change in the future.

Cool Hand Luke passes away

One of my favorite people passed away yesterday. Paul Newman, 83, died of cancer. He has always been my quintessential star that I have admired. Cool Hand Luke is one of my favorite movies. I often use the line, 'what we have here is failure to communicate', from this movie in my daily life. It sums up situations up nicely on a regular basis. 

His ability to survive Hollywood and his philanthropic work makes him a-o-kay in my book. I'm sorry to hear that he is gone. Even as an old man he was still something to look at. Thanks for the lasting memories you've left for us all Paul. 


Friday, September 26, 2008

In a way... I got my wish!

Someone out there seems to be thinking along the same lines as me. At least I'm hoping 51% or greater are thinking along the same lines as me.

Thanks for the updated version of an older political sign that I wished for a while back. To see it, click here. It's not quite what I was looking for, but it'll do.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sarah Palin is wrong for this country

Sarah Palin is a scary woman whom I believe is the current generations Phylis Schaffley. An intolerant woman who has no business being on the Vice Presidential ticket. She has been isolated in Alaska, far removed from the lower 48, with limited travel experience. She has been to Canada and Mexico but just acquired her first passport last year and had never traveled over seas until this year. How can we entrust a person who has no real world experience to be one seat away from the presidency when John McCain is 72 years old? This alone should scare everyone. 

If that is not enough, then here is a snippet from her first interview with Charles Gibson from ABC. There is plenty to watch on youtube, but this piece accentuates her lack of basic knowledge that a President should have. She doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is. That is the equivalent to a doctor not knowing where the kidney is. Kind of a necessity to be able to preform the job.

Don't let this beauty queen fool you. She is not pro-women. In a strange way she reminds me of Clarence Thomas. Not realizing that she is where she is because others fought hard for her to have that right. That disconnect is all the proof I need to know she is not a compassionate conservative. (Whatever that means.)

Other reasons to vote Democratic:

Sarah Palin charges rape victims for the cost of their rape kit,
Believes that she should 'put it in G-ds hands' when making governing decisions (sound familiar?),
She believes that global warming is a farce,

If you haven't registered to vote, please do it now. If we have another four years of 'Bush', who knows where we will be. This is very disheartening. Vote democratic!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Teacher injured by student

This is from the Ann Arbor News Police Beat section on Thursday September 18, 2008. 

"An Ypsilanti school teacher told police she wants to press charges against a 9-year old student who broke her hand on Wednesday September 17, 2008. 

Ypsilanti Police said the 52-year old Adams Elementary School teacher told them the boy had not been taking his medication and got into a fight in her classroom at 1 p.m. She said she and an assistant restrained the boy on the ground in an attempt to bring him under control, but he punched and kicked her. She later realized her hand was injured and she reported the incident after a doctor confirmed the fracture, she told police.

Ypsilanti schools spokeswoman Emma Jackson said this morning that the boy has been suspended from school."

It's no wonder we are loosing teachers. What is going on? What happened to parents accountability? This is insane.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Another New Yorker cartoon

Possibly we could all use an epiphany.... 

I can't explain why I am so enchanted with small animals, but I am. Probably comes from my childhood when my friends and I had mice, hamsters and Guinea pigs. 

We would build elaborate mazes using paper towel and toilet paper tubes, boxes, anything that could be taped together to create a habitrail long before habitrails where produced. We spent hours doing this. Whether the animals thought this was fun or not, we'll never know. But to this day I have a soft spot in my heart every time a see a rodent - especially anything having to do with a wheel to nowhere.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dog Woman

My birthday is shortly after the end of the The Original Street Art Fair in Ann Arbor. For an art lover it is a double edged sword. It is an awesome opportunity to see great art! At the same time, because it is near my birthday, it's a perfect opportunity to rationalize a purchase.

Normally I don't feel the need to justify the purchase of art, but you have to admit, it is a handy excuse. On my 40th birthday I didn't have a plan to search for anything in particular, I was just heading out to enjoy the fares of the fair. I was nearing the finish of the fair when she popped out! Her creator, Mark Chatterly comes to the fair every so often and I hadn't seen him in years. His work is often human size and appropriately priced for it's volume. Not having a large home, yard, or income the giant dog that I originally saw would not do. However, this 20", 10# dog/woman would do nicely. She is the first piece of sculpture that I purchased. I think I'm off to a great start! Happy 40th to me over and over and over....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jesus is a friend of mine

It's hard to say when this was made. In the 70's? Or as a farce? If you're curious to see an upbeat Christian rock (ska/polka?) group with some crazy hairdos, click here!

Friday, September 5, 2008

A good sense of humor!

Halloween is just around the corner. Doesn't this give you some great ideas?

How fun is this!? Nicely done guys, whoever you are!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Allergy protection for the whole family

Richard and June Lotz had two German Sheppard's and one toddler son. When they found the youngster with a mouthful of dog hair they decided they had to do something about it. So they designed a dog coat that kept the dog hair from shedding around their home. Low and behold...doggie pajamas! 

The coat also functions as a barrier to the dog chewing itself. This was a residual benefit that was unexpected. The Lotzes now sell about 2,000 coats a year. A great example of ingenuity at work!

June says that Jax (one of the dogs) tolerates the coat, but, "he still doesn't like it," she says. "I don't know why. He'll come out of the bedroom and kind of look around the corner to see if I have the suit in my hand. It's almost like he's embarrassed."

Go figure!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

An appropriate response from neighbor to farmer

When I saw the above picture, it reminded me of the farmer who built the Redneck Stonehenge (second photo). This hedge seems like the appropriate response to the farmer from the neighbors. Click here for the original post

Photo of the Redneck Stonehenge which is shown as well.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Addict attempts amputation of own arm

Police say a man tried to cut off his own arm at a restaurant in Modesto, California because he thought he had injected air into a vein while shooting cocaine and feared he would die unless he took drastic action.

Authorities say that 33-year-old Michael Lasiter rushed into the Denny's restaurant late Friday August 29th and started stabbing himself with a butter knife he grabbed from a table.

They say when that knife didn't do the trick, Lasiter took a butcher knife from the kitchen and dug into his arm.

Police Sarent Brian Findlen says Lasiter told officers he thought he needed to amputate his arm to keep himself from dying from the cocaine injection.

Lasiter was taken to a hospital for treatment of severe cuts and the Denny's closed for the night. No wonder.

Yet another reason not to do drugs kids! 

You'll cut your arm off! You'll cut your arm off! 

(Think 'A Christmas Story'...you'll shoot your eye out!)