Rants -n- Raves -n- Odds -n- Ends

- Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the U.S. (1809-1865)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Chestnuts Roasting on a Car Engine!

Oh yes, that is my car engine. I heard this awful bumping noise that scared the life out of me while I was driving on Saturday. I worried about it all day Sunday and didn't drive anywhere. I checked to make sure my bike tires were properly inflated. I drove to the dealership. I explained to service that I heard this weird bumping, popping noise. 

We opened the trunk, and voila! Walnuts galore! Fortunately this turned out to be one of the easiest repairs ever. We pulled about 80 nuts from my engine block and surrounding areas.

 There is going to be one mighty pissed squirrel in my neighborhood!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Times Are Tough

We have a 15.3% unemployment rate in Michigan right now. Because of that, we are seeing more creative ways to make a living of any kind. I found this at the bottom of driveways during my daily walk. The sign is asking for used books and is placed in a ziplock baggie with two stones used as weights. 

It is a sign of how hard things are getting here. At the same time it is uplifting, as this is an example of a person looking for alternative ways to earn some kind of income. I like this a lot, as it encourages recycling while helping someone at the same time. This is the first step for any entrepreneur. I wish him luck!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Vandalism Stinks!

Boredom is a very bad thing. Extra time on your hands, begets mischief. What a shame for everyone that this person decided to deface a map at one of my favorite parks. 


Sunday, September 6, 2009

This made my heart melt!

I found this notice posted on the community bulletin board at a local coffee shop. A nine year old entrepreneur working to market his dog walking business. How can you not want to support this young man? 

Very industrious! Love it!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fun at the market!

What a great way to market your blueberries! When I saw this, I knew I had to snap the shot. A creative, eye catching display to increase your sales. Who says, art isn't important?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Seasonal Bike Parking

The Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority has placed these bike racks at various stations around town. This one is in front of Cafe Verde and highly bike trafficked part of town. 

We do lose one car parking space, but provide many, many bike spots. I like that my town promotes biking and makes it easy to park your bike. Nice job AADDA!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh no, you didn't!

This poor fellow shown in the picture is the owner of Ypsilanti Gold and Diamond Exchange. Why is he a poor fellow? Well, he hired someone to produce a commercial for him that has been running on cable TV for a while now. The problem is they aren't pronouncing the name of his business correctly. Ypsilanti is pronounced Ip-si-lanti, NOT Yip-si-lanti. And Ypsilanti is not his name, it is the name of the city his business is located in. 

Frankly, I'm surprised that he hasn't pulled the add or demand that the voice over be redone to pronounce the city name correctly. It can't bode well on his business in a city that takes enormous pride in it's heritage. What are they thinking?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Having Fun!

I am finishing a trip to Denver for a conference that I attend yearly. Fortunately, I did not encounter any of these signs or ones like it.

It was been a great trip visiting grade school friends, learning lots of new  information and visiting a select few sites.

Friday, August 14, 2009

To Whiten or not to Whiten?

I've been watching season one of the Remington Steele series of the 80's. This picture doesn't really show this, but this was before teeth whitening was the fad. 

It is refreshing to see what peoples teeth actually looked like before the masses started bleaching their teeth. I find this procedure jarring from the standpoint that it is so often overdone and is obviously a cosmetic enhancement. I've seen people whose teeth almost look translucent because they didn't know when to say when.

I also had a friend that did this when it was first fashionable who protested that it was her tan that made her teeth look whiter than usual. Yea, right. If you're going to do this, at least own up to it when you are called out. If you are not ashamed to do it, then why not fess up to it?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Own Bobble Head!

Meet tink. My new tiny Jack Russell dog. Isn't she cute? She loves to ride in the back window of my car. This, of course, creates quite the reaction at intersections. Heads all looking our way, fingers pointing to others so they won't miss her, smiles on people's faces, waves from folks. She is the best adornment for a car that I have ever had!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Oh, really?

If you can't read this, it says...
In an effort to reduce waste and take care of our environment, Caribou now offers the option to take a coffee sleeve or leave it if you prefer"

Hmm. That sounds good. Yea, I like that. Well, wait a minute. Don't they only serve there beverages in either plastic or paper cups? Even if I want to drink my beverage in their store? So, doesn't that make them a hypocrite? Come to think of it, they also use plastic cutlery. But wait, they will give you a plate! Uh, so they CAN and have the ability to wash items. So what is up with the glassware? 

It irks me to no end when a company CLAIMS to care about the environment, when in reality they don't actually practice what they preach. Hypocrisy at it's worst. Shame on you Caribou Coffee!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Loved this photo! 

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hi, ho! Hi, ho!

It's off to build a fort we go! 

Yes, this is one of the things I did this past weekend! I built the roof of this fort with several kids aged 3 to 9. I was the contract supervisior and engineer. The kids, well they helped sort the materials and mostly I built it, but what fun we had building it and then playing in it! It was a perfect project for a perfect day!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bizarro hits the mark again!

This totally cute photo came from one of my favorite blogs by the cartoonist Bizarro. (I imagine this is what all laboratory mice wish they owned.) Dan Piraro writes about his comic, sometimes expanding on the meaning, sometimes explaining the meaning or sometimes complaining about various idiotic things in his daily life. 

In any case, I thoroughly enjoy his blog for many reasons. Mostly because I agree with his philosophy, he finds the best pictures and I find him VERY funny!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Vacationing in Dollywood?

It's the first morning of my vacation on Lake Huron and I'm in search of a latte. Not a coffee shop to be found in strip mall land, which does not surprise me, so I make my way to the downtown. Alas, I find a cute place called Raven Cafe. It has a lovely small town charm feel to it. A quirky layout that feels like it has been put together over the years with a pub feel to it. Nice. I was right at home. 

That is until I walk out the front door and am bombarded by county music blaring from the speakers on the light poles (see lower left). Yes, we were all treated to Shania Twain signing her heart out at loud decibels. Oh, dear. What are they thinking?

I know there are places that play music at a decibel that teens can hear and not adults, as a means to keep the teens away. But playing music in downtown as a way to keep me there backfires. I had to leave and leave as soon as possible. It did not encourage me to keep walkin'/jammin'/groovin'/or any other thingin' on down the road. I got back in my car and headed for the beach!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I want one!

I saw this in Denver recently. If anyone knows where I can get one, please let me know. I'd very much like to add it to my bumper sticker collection.

Monday, July 13, 2009


If I was the purchaser of this house I don't think that I would want to advertise that I paid cash for my new home. Think about it. 

How many people pay cash for a home? Not many. But for those that do, doesn't it imply that you probably have lots of disposable money? Enough that this might be a really good house to rob? 

Isn't it an advertisement to neh-er-do-wells that maybe the odds are in their favor to find good loot here? 

I don't see why this is something that needs to be disclosed. Sold seems good enough to me.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Salute to a Soldier

My Mom and I visit a restaurant named the Common Grill in Chelsea for brunch regularly. It is a nice drive and the Fish Tacos are fabulous!

We drive by this rock on our way in, but we have never seen it so beautifully painted. It was so well done, that from a distance it was clear that is was a tribute to a soldier who was home with his family.

When we arrived at the restaurant, there was a young man dressed in fatigues with his mom and dad at a table nearby. We asked if he was Matt, and indeed he was. He told us he was stationed in Hawaii and was home for three days before he leaves for Afghanistan. 

They were a lovely family and it was a pleasure to meet them. I admire those who are brave enough to make the sacrifice to join the military. It is something I know I would not excel at. 

I wish Matt well and that he make it back to his family and those that love and care about him soon. What a brave young man indeed. Thank you for your service, Matt.

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 4th Aftermath

This year my neighborhood was noisier than in the past on the 4th of July this year. When I went out for a walk at 11 PM with my new dog, my street was filled with a fog like haze. I quickly realized it was due to the amount of fireworks being set off in the proximity of my door. 

The next morning, I confirmed just how many people had participated in lighting off fireworks. I found several piles like the ones shown here. I have never seen such displays of fun left to cool off until the morning before. One of the participants noted that the big dark canister in the upper right corner of the top photo went off for about 15 minutes. 

Fortunately, my new Jack Russell is not afraid of the noise. My Australian Sheppard hated the noise and walking her on New Years Eve and July 4th were always a problem. I hope it is quite wherever she is.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's Lovely! I'll Take It!

This is a photo of a room from a house that is for sale. There is a blog that I follow named, "It's Lovely, I'll Take It"! 

This blog lists photos from real estate listings from all over. It is a fun site that begs the question, 'did that actually sell'? 

This room could use some staging. I think it would freak out an awful lot of people. Even if the house were of my dreams, I don't think I could ever forget what this room looked like. Especially if it were the master bedroom.... It leaves an indelible mark on my brain. Ouch!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Creative Advertising

I love it when you see something that is extremely well done. Cleaver beyond the norm. That is what I thought when I saw this. When one thing has an unintended second use that works on this level, I can't help but compliment it. The fact that it involves smoking is all the better....

Good luck to those who still smoke. One day you are going to quit. Why not make it today? And yes, I DO know how hard it is as an ex-smoker myself. You'll feel better, smell better and live longer. I promise. Okay I can promise the first two, the third is a good bet.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Top 10 Things to Let You Know the Economy is Bad

10. CEO's are now playing miniature golf.
9. I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.
8. I went to buy a toaster oven and they gave me a bank.
7. Hotwheels and Matchbox car companies are now trading higher than GM in the stock market.
6. McDonalds is selling the 1/4 ouncer.
5. People in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and are learning their children's names.
4. The most highly-paid job is now jury duty.
3. Motel Six won't leave the lights on.
2. The Mafia is laying off judges.
And my most favorite indicator of all.
1. If the bank returns your check marked as "insufficient funds," you have to call them and ask if they meant you or them.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The last of my menagerie is gone

Yet again, I had the good fortune to end the suffering of someone I loved. My beloved, Mr. Knuckles passed away earlier today. After spending 14 1/2 years with me, his kidneys gave out, which is all to common with kitties. It became apparent that I needed to humanely end the pain when he could no longer walk without falling. I was hoping that his disease would move quickly in the end so that he wouldn't have to undergo the pain of an iv. Unfortunately it became clear that without my help his pain may continue for an unknown amount of time. I couldn't allow that to happen to the animal that had been with me the longest and helped me survive the loss of three dogs. 

If there is an animal heaven he is with his old pals, Kaelee, Cooper and Bear. I miss them all horribly. Pets do wonderful things for us, but alas, their lives are too short. I will miss by buddy. So long good friend. Thanks for sharing your life with me. I am a better human because of it. 

Friday, June 26, 2009

Run little lamb, run!

This is a picture from a recent visit to Sasha Farms a sanctuary for farm animals in Manchester, Michigan. We were able to wander around with the animals, which was a lot of fun. 

This link, takes you to a reaction game involving sheep. It's kind of fun, give it a try!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Are you a command freak?

Here's a fun link that will challenge your vocabulary for dog commands. Think you know them all? Give it a try.

Click here for some fun!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Don't Eat That Dinner Roll!

Wholly moly! How crazy is this world becoming? This recently in from the Associated Press:

"Police arrested a 42-year old woman who said a dispute over a dinner roll led to a fatal fight with her father.

Melvindale, Michigan police report a 62-year old man called 911 saying he'd been stabbed in the stomach. Officers found him mortally wounded with several stab wounds.

The man's daughter was found hiding in the woods behind the suburban Detroit home and was taken to a hospital, then to police headquarters.

Local channel 4 reported the woman told investigators she ate a dinner roll her father had been saving for later, even though it had a note telling her not to.

Police say she also fired a gun but apparently didn't hit her father. She remained in custody awaiting arraignment for second degree murder."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Yet more proof, bigger is not better

As a child I never really wanted a pony. But if this little guy was an option, I would have been the first in line!

How darling in this tiny 14" pony (actually a mini horse)? At full size it is expected to grow to 24". Recently born in Victoria, Australia, Sam Leith
has already made a new friend!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A word of caution...

When you are seeking sponsor's for your various sports teams apparel, it is imperative that you secure the services of a good translator. Otherwise, you may end up wearing uniforms such as these....


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Leno Headlines!

There is something so sweet, yet so wrong with this. The image of tough, grizzly guys sitting around a knitting circle seems the epitome of rehabilitation. That is until, they whittle a crochet hook down to a sharp point and shank you!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Wholy Moley!

Look close. Very close. Look closely into my wall. You are feeling sleepy. Veerrryyy sleeppppyyy. Now don't get dizzy and fall!

I found this partition in a bathroom on the University of Michigan's campus. The picture is not blurry. No, the picture is fine. The design of this wall was deliberately made to look blurry. 

Now why? I don't get it. Why would you want to install a material that might make you pass out in a hard tiled small room where odds are you would hit your head if you fell. Why, I ask, why?

More bad design in more than one way. You see it everywhere. When you skimp on paying for a designer, this is the kind of outcome you get. The scary thing is, I think they hired someone to do this....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

It's that time of the year again. 


Be nice to your Mom. You wouldn't be here without her!

Fashion growth?

Fashion can be tough. There are so many unflattering trends out there right now. How do you decide what to buy? Well the simple answer is, buy what looks good on your body style. So, if you consider that, why, oh why, is the pregnancy top back in style? The only people this looks good on, is women who are pregnant! That's why they call it a pregnancy top. It's for pregnant women! But I digress.

This top is no better. Okay, a little better. At least it has some shape. But who wants a growth crawling down from your shoulder onto your breast as a fashion statement? How is this remotely considered attractive? And do you really want someone staring at your right breast trying to figure out what the heck is growing on it? 

I just don't get fashion right now. I feel sorry for young women who will have to look at the silly photos of themselves in these clothes when they were young and share them with their grandchildren. "Gee, grandma. You really were a dork!" Yeah, grandma what were you thinking? Just cause it's "fashion" doesn't mean you should wear it.

Happy Mother's Day! Even to the dorks. Maybe, especially to the dorks. Dorks need love, too.

It's flip-flop season!

Yes. Now is the time we bare our toes in the invention known as the flip-flop. Which leads me to make two comments.

First, my friend who sells shoes for a living reminded me several years ago when I bought a pair, that the skin between your toes needs to be slowly broken in. Yea well, shoot, that makes sense. But did I remember  that good advice yesterday? No. I went for a two hour walk in the park in my flip-flops and I am regretting it today. I cut a bandaid in half, put germ ointment on each piece and placed them between my toes. They still hurt! Heed the good advice of not going for long walks when you first air your toes in flip flops. Your tootsies will thank you!

Second, I saw the advertisement for this shoe in Sahalie. In the description they state, 'why you can even wash them in the dishwasher!' Uh, really? And that's a selling point? Does it sound remotely appealing to put your shoes in the same machine you put what you eat off of in? Sometimes I wonder about marketing departments. Now a washing machine makes sense, but a dishwasher? Ick.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dumb Car

Now that is not my idea of this car. If you look closely, the license plate reads 'Dumbcar". 

Hmm. I didn't know what to make of it. Had the owner come out, I would have asked what the story behind the plate is. 

Is it supposed to be ironic? Did they buy their car and then have reservations?I don't know and probably never will. 

What I do know, is I like this car - A LOT! So, cute! Although I wouldn't want to drive it on highways or fast streets. It is adorable, but also doesn't feel like it would survive a high speed crash very well.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hellriders do good!

One of my long time friends lives near Peach Mountain in Washtenaw County. We walk the wooded area occasionally. More when my dogs where alive and less frequently now. 

Anyway, last time we were out walking, we found these markers on trees that had been obstructing the pathways. These were placed by a motorcycle group that maintains the woods. 

Thank you to the Hellriders for making my walk easier. And it is smart of you to advertise your good deeds. It is one of the easiest ways to promote your good work.

And for those of you that don't know, I suspect their name comes from their proximity to Hell, Michigan. Yes, I've been to Hell and back many times. It's a charming small town with an unusual name and a fantastic ice cream shop! You'll need something cool while you visiting Hell.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Dream House!

Thirty years ago! 

This is my friends daughters stilt house. It has been built out of all recycled items, expect for the roof. (Apparently they didn't want to deal with possible leaks. Who could blame them.)

What I wouldn't have given for a personal space like this. The closest I came was a tiny balcony off the back of our house. We were told we would fall through the roof if we went out on it. Experience told us that if we were very careful and not to let the parents know, we were just fine. 

Don't worry Mom, Margie and I only crawled out once or twice. It wasn't as cool as we had thought it would be! Nothing like this house. 

I'm waiting for my invitation. Perhaps I should stop by with some warm freshly baked cookies?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cats do the craziest things...

Since cats have their own minds and do what they please, this picture is either a tremendous chance happening, or tuna was involved. 

In either case, I found it humorous. The photo came from one of my favorite blogs by Dan Piraro, author of the cartoon Bizarro. It's good for a daily chuckle.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What were they thinking?

This just in from the Associated Press:

Parents whose children died or suffered lifelong disabilities after suffering from shaken baby syndrome are demanding an investigation as to how Apple Inc. permitted an iPhone application called Baby Shaker to be distributed this week. 

"There are people out there who think it is funny to shake and kill a baby," said Patrick Donohue of the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation, named after his 3-year-old daughter, who at 5 days old was shaken by a nurse and today still suffers from brain damage. 

The 99-cent app, launched Monday and pulled from distribution Wednesday, let users shake their iPhone until the on-screen baby stopped crying and a large red "X" appeared over each eye. The application was designed by Sikalosoft. 

"Shaken baby syndrome is a violent form of child abuse," said Donohue, who stood outside the Apple Store in Soho Thursday with several other parents protesting Apple's approval of Baby Shaker.

It's funny what people find offensive and what they don't. I find this offensive, but I also find lots of other things offensive that others think are okay. Babies off limits. Kids playing video games where women are raped and maimed-killed-tortured... okay. Now why is that?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

School kids gone bad

8th graders from an Alaskan school taunted this moose until it bashed it's head into a wall until it died. 

School officials did not realize what was happening until it was too late. They are not disclosing how many children were involved or what their punishment was.

I don't even really know how to react to this. The fact that no details are provide is really kind of scary. People who kill people often started on animals. How are we to know if this is being taken as seriously as it should be? 

I am infuriated when I hear of violence of children and animals. But when I hear of children harming animals I am scared to death for these children's future. Will they get the help they need to not move onto another victim? And why weren't these children being supervised? I understand that they were older, but with all of the predators out there, shouldn't someone to watching what is going on at all times while school is in session? 

Poor moose. What an incredibly sad story.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Very Angry Turkeys

Turkeys on the rampage in Grand Haven, Michigan! As if mail carriers don't have enough to deal with, there are now a small group of turkeys that are attacking them when they try to deliver the mail.

Carrier Jeremy Bogerd says they are super aggressive. "As soon as they see us, they're after us," he told the Grand Haven Tribune. "They're not afraid of humans."

Bogerd watched this passel grow over the past decade but in the last month they have become aggressive.

"They'll chase you as soon as they see the truck," he said. "I would rather get attached by a dog sometimes than these turkeys." He added that workers carry a chemical repellent, but the turkey heads are too small to hit.

Could this be turkey revenge for humans breeding turkeys for large breasts at the expense of the comfort of the animal? I say, power to the turkey! I'd be angry too if I was breed so that I couldn't walk. Maybe it's a current modern day version of the Twilight Zone?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Eye Candy

That is how a new drug is being marketed. 

Are you unfulfilled because you have skinny eyelashes? Did you know the definition of Hypotrichosis is to have inadequate or not enough eyelashes. Have you often wanted to have lots of long and lush eyelashes? Well have no fear. There is a new prescription drug that you can use every day for the rest of your life so that your tiny lashes will become plump! Just think. Now you can take a pill to make yourself skinny and use another drug to make your lashes fat! 

We truly have become a society that wants it all and with little work on our part. Putting drugs onto your body for a minimal difference in a eyelash seems absurd to me. They say the only side effect may be temporary itching of the eyes. Or how about skin pigmentation changes that may or may not go away. And then, of course, once you stop using this drug, your eyelashes go back to being skinny. 

I can't imagine using a new (unknown really) drug for the rest of my life for eyelashes. We are truly becoming a society that wants a pill and quick fix for everything.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Beach Refrigeration

Yep. You read that right. Beach Refrigeration. 

The Palazzo Versace in Dubai, United Arab Emirates is opening later this year or early 2010. During their warm season temperatures average 104 F and can reach 122 F. Yikes! 

However, no fear. This resort is installing a network of computer-controlled heat-absorbing pipes under the sand to keep you comfortable. It's amazing what the rich will do. The extravagances in this part of the world are unbelievable. 

This country gives very little thought to the environment. They continually manipulate the earth to suit the desires of its residents. This environmentally uncool project will add to Dubai's already mammoth size carbon footprint, which amounts to 44 tons of CO2 per person per year. By contrast, the average American generates 20 tons of greenhouse gases per year and we are at the high end.  Crazy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is this for real?

Surgeons in Russia thought they were going to remove a cancerous tumor from a 28-year-old patient – but instead they found a 5-centimeter tree growing inside his lung.

Doctors were convinced he had cancer after he came to them complaining of agonising chest pains and coughing up blood.

An X-ray showed what was believed to be a tumour, and he was rushed to the operating theatre.

Surgeon Vladimir Kamashev from Izhevsk in the Urals was quoted as saying "We were 100% sure."

"We did X-rays and found what looked exactly like a tumour. I had seen hundreds before, so we decided on surgery."

Before removing the major part of the man's lung, the surgeon investigated the tissue taken in a biopsy.

"I thought I was hallucinating," said Dr Kamashev.

"I asked my assistant to have a look: 'Come and see this - we've got a fir tree here'."

"He nodded in shock. I blinked three times as I was sure I was seeing things."

The 2in (5cm) spruce, which was said to be touching the man's capillaries and causing severe pain, was removed.

Mr Sidorkin, now recovering after the op, said in reports: "To be honest I did not feel any foreign object inside me. But I'm just so relieved it's not cancer."

Biologists are sceptical about a plant growing inside human body.

"It is absolutely impossible for a green plant to grow from this small seed inside a man's body. In order for a plant to start growing from the seed, it needs a lot of conditions - light, then water and certain temperature," said Olga Baranova, a university professor.

So, is this for real? Or a hoax? You tell me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vanity plate misunderstanding

One Colorado woman's love for tofu has been judged X-rated by state officials. Kelly Coffman-Lee wanted to tell the world about her fondness for bean curd by picking certain letters for her license plate. She asked for her plate to say:  "ILVTOFU." But the Division of Motor Vehicles blocked her request because they thought the combination of letters could be interpreted as profane.

Department of Revenue spokesman Mark Couch said, "We don't allow 'FU' because some people could read that as street language for sex."

Officials meet periodically to ensure state plates stay free of letters that abbreviate gang slang, drug terms or obscene phases.

Well, I see their point, but how sad is that? All she wanted to do was promote her a staple in her families diet because they are vegans. 

Monday, April 13, 2009


In early 2008 pilot Jon Wehrenberg flew a Doberman Pincher dog from Florida to South Carolina for his friend Debi Bois. Thus Pilots-N-Paws was founded. They have become a nationwide team of small-aircraft pilots and animal rescuers who move animals from over crowded facilities to shelters and rescue groups committed to finding them homes. 

Since that time nearly 300 pilots have joined the group that uses a web-based message broad to let them know about animals in need. So far this fantastic group has saved over 300 animals. Yet another example of folks working together to make a difference. 

Go Pilots-N-Paws!