Rants -n- Raves -n- Odds -n- Ends

- Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the U.S. (1809-1865)

Monday, April 28, 2008

More on the polygamist sect....

This just in. 

Of the 53 female children aged 14 to 17 that were taken for suspicion of child abuse, 31 of these girls have either already given birth or are currently pregnant. How horrifying is that!? Let's break this out to emphasize what you just read. 

53 female girls, actual age unknown, but for this purpose, let's calculate averages:
Aged 14, average of 13 in this age range,
Aged 15, average of 13 in this age range,
Aged 16, average of 13 in this age range,
Aged 17, average of 14 in this age range.

Of the 53, 31 are or have been pregnant. So to be generous, let's calculate the percentages this way:

Of the 17 year olds, all 14 are pregnant,
Of the 16 year olds, all 13 are pregnant,
Of the 15 year olds, 4 are pregnant and 9 are not,
Of the 14 year olds none are pregnant.

This is down right scary, creepy, revolting, and inexcusable. To all the mother's who are over 18 and have been separated from their children stating you knew nothing of young girls being "married" or having sex with older men, you lied. Plain and simple, you lied. Therefore, in my eyes you are an unfit parent. Not to say there aren't remedies, but when you flat out lie when directly questioned on the Larry King Live show and others, then you are complicit in the crime. 

The mother's we have not heard from are the teenage mother's 17 and under. By definition a child is under 18 years of age, so these mother's have been able to stay with their children. How ironic is that? This is one mess I would not want to have to sort out. But, I have to say, I think it is good this has happened. Maybe we will take a serious look at this "religion" and rethink the definition of religious freedom. 

How scared all of these people must be. A sad situation for everyone involved. No matter how this ends, it will not be happy.

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