Rants -n- Raves -n- Odds -n- Ends

- Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the U.S. (1809-1865)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Before and After

So, I was sitting in in the historic Michigan Theater watching the movie trailers while waiting for "Milk" to start. Now I'm a real stickler for etiquette and am annoyed at rude people who talk, even during trailers. Imagine my surprise when watching a trailer for "The Wrestler", when I blurted out, THAT'S MICKEY ROURKE! I had heard he was making a comeback but was so shocked when I realized that that is who was on the screen!

Wholly cripes! He was almost unrecognizable. What a sad, sad, sad example of body mutilation. You don't see it so much in men, but boy-oh-boy when you do, it is clear they have body dismorphic issues as well. 

This just makes me really sad for him. I'm told his performance is spectacular and that it is the possible beginning of a come back for him. Maybe. But what kind of future roles would we see him in? Limited at best. There just are certain roles that one won't be cast in because of how you look. Ironically, that is what he hoped to avoid by undergoing the procedures in the first place. Like I said. Sad, sad, sad, ever so sad. There are a lot of mixed messages in this world.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Talk to ya later! Yep. That's what ttyl means in text messaging.

So, one of my passions is reading books that others don't want me to read. I am fascinated by books that others find offensive and want to ban. This is one of many books challenged regularly last year. 

When I found it, I immediately checked it out from my public library. While I'm reading banned books, I note what would be the perceived offence and imagine who would find it offensive. Almost always anything that is a "sin" is offensive. Even if the premise of the book is to talk of it publicly to allow an outlet for a person felling isolated. In other words to to be used as a learning tool. This book covers several "taboo" subjects. 

I just finished it recently. I loved it. It reminded me of my days in high school and helped me to understand this generation and how they process information and deal with everyday issues. If you have or knows middle school aged or high school aged girls, buy a copy, read it and then give it to her. This is a poignant read. Read and share! But I would suggest you not tell the receiver that you have read it first. Wait until later after she has read it, then have an open discussion. 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lemon the Duck

If this story doesn't warm your heart, you better check yourself into a hospital.

Meet Lemon the duck, her canaine friend Casey, and mom Laura Backman.

Lemon was born in Laura's elementary classroom and it was immediately apparent that the duck had a neurological disorder that prevented her from standing upright. Being a kind and caring person that values animal life, Laura decided to take her home and care for her.

Casey, a foster mom to other unfortunate animals, befriended the duck and is often found sleeping next to her when she is not pushing herself around in her PVC pipe custom chair.

How delightful is this? If we could all learn to be kind to other beings of all physical abilites, this would be a much kinder world to live in. 

Lemon, Laura and Casey are an inspiration!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A different kind of cosmetic surgery

Now this is the kind of cosmetic surgery I can get behind. Make up is expensive and it is frustrating when your lipstick breaks or is smushed into the top of the container. 

This just might be a new business opportunity since folks are fixing things rather than buying new in these economically challenging times. Perhaps this could be marketed to the out of work skilled tradespeople in Michigan and elsewhere? After all, the word is that creativity is key to survival right now.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

CRUD seeks new name

Yea. Ya think?

CRUD has come to it's senses and is seeking a new name as "the current one is too long, and the 'CRUD acronym is too negative" according to Amanda Naugle, a community organizer. 

Really? And how long did it take this organization to come to that realization?

CRUD, or the Dexter Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking services a group that you would think might have pointed this out from the beginning, but apparently not. Hence they are now asking for suggestions for new less negative names. 

To submit your suggestions, email them to nauglea@ewashtenaw.org by Friday January 16th. The cream of the crop will be compiled and submitted for your approval (vote) at their website.

Hmm. It will be interesting to see what comes forward. Could be worth checking back in.... 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pigeon Tales

A persistent pigeon in Grand Haven, Michigan kept hanging out in front of the Fat Chix Coffee Cantina wandering outside the shop. The owner, Mary Mitchell attempted to shoo the bird away but it would not leave.

When temperatures dropped and snow fell a couple of days later, Mary decided to rescue the bird from the winter weather. She wrapped it in an apron and drove it to her barn ten miles from her business.

"He was a really friendly bird," she said.

The next morning, she discovered the bird had found its way back to the shop.

Recognizing its determination, Mitchell and other workers at the coffee shop finally embraced the pigeon and named in Mocha. An employee, Ron Schoenborn (shown), built a small home for the bird underneath the building's front awning, where he regularly feeds it.

Apparently persistence pays off. What a nice story about animals and humans helping each other.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

R.I.P. My Love

My beloved dog, Cooper passed away today. In the end, her rear legs gave out on her, similar to her long time companion Bear. 

She is no longer is any pain. 

I miss her horribly. 

R.I.P. Sweet Pea. I love you.

Goodbye little Boo.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Bella and Tara

This is the story of an elephant, Tara, that befriended a dog Bella, at a Tennessee sanctuary. When elephants appear at the sanctuary, they seek out a friend that they hang out with. Tara decided that Bella was the friend for her. They are so dedicated to one another that when Bella had an injury that caused her to be isolated for three weeks, Tara stood in the corner near the building Bellas was housed in until she was better.

Gotta love how wonderful animals treat one another. This is an amazingly endearing story. To see the video click here.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Seeing eye horse?

That's right. That is what you are seeing here. This is a mini horse that has been trained to function as a seeing eye "dog" (horse). The primary advantage to a horse is the lifespan of your companion. Horses live much longer than dogs so one doesn't have to experience the pain of loosing ones best friend and companion every decade or so as one does with a dog. 

I love the little tennis shoes that the horse wears! 

To learn more see the Guide Horse Foundation at this link.

Who knew? I love it!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Weight loss advertising

It is obvious that we are into 2009. I was home today with a cold and watching a program on TV while blowing my nose and consuming lots of liquids. 

Commercial after commercial were advertisements for weight loss gimmicks. I say gimmicks, because the only true way to loose weight and keep it off is through lifestyle changes. Diets and pills might help you to loose the weight but unless you address the issues in your life that got you where you were, you will gain all the lost weight back. 

The latest to join the market to prey on hopeful folks in the Smart for Life diet. Their tag line is who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? The diet consists of replacing real food with cookies. Really? Cookies? How affective in the long run do you think this diet will be? We have become a society that consumes in excess and wants quick fixes to problems. 

If you want to loose weight, add exercise to your routine and learn to eat real food in proper portions. It's really that simple folks. The problem is most people look for an easy way out and are not really willing to put the effort in to make the changes necessary to have a more healthful life. 

Don't waste you time or money on the quick fix gimmicks. They don't work. Start with short goals and work toward achieving each one. Be realistic and reward yourself for the baby steps that are necessary to attain the long term goal.

Now get out there and take each day one at a time!