Rants -n- Raves -n- Odds -n- Ends

- Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the U.S. (1809-1865)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh no, you didn't!

This poor fellow shown in the picture is the owner of Ypsilanti Gold and Diamond Exchange. Why is he a poor fellow? Well, he hired someone to produce a commercial for him that has been running on cable TV for a while now. The problem is they aren't pronouncing the name of his business correctly. Ypsilanti is pronounced Ip-si-lanti, NOT Yip-si-lanti. And Ypsilanti is not his name, it is the name of the city his business is located in. 

Frankly, I'm surprised that he hasn't pulled the add or demand that the voice over be redone to pronounce the city name correctly. It can't bode well on his business in a city that takes enormous pride in it's heritage. What are they thinking?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Having Fun!

I am finishing a trip to Denver for a conference that I attend yearly. Fortunately, I did not encounter any of these signs or ones like it.

It was been a great trip visiting grade school friends, learning lots of new  information and visiting a select few sites.

Friday, August 14, 2009

To Whiten or not to Whiten?

I've been watching season one of the Remington Steele series of the 80's. This picture doesn't really show this, but this was before teeth whitening was the fad. 

It is refreshing to see what peoples teeth actually looked like before the masses started bleaching their teeth. I find this procedure jarring from the standpoint that it is so often overdone and is obviously a cosmetic enhancement. I've seen people whose teeth almost look translucent because they didn't know when to say when.

I also had a friend that did this when it was first fashionable who protested that it was her tan that made her teeth look whiter than usual. Yea, right. If you're going to do this, at least own up to it when you are called out. If you are not ashamed to do it, then why not fess up to it?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Own Bobble Head!

Meet tink. My new tiny Jack Russell dog. Isn't she cute? She loves to ride in the back window of my car. This, of course, creates quite the reaction at intersections. Heads all looking our way, fingers pointing to others so they won't miss her, smiles on people's faces, waves from folks. She is the best adornment for a car that I have ever had!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Oh, really?

If you can't read this, it says...
In an effort to reduce waste and take care of our environment, Caribou now offers the option to take a coffee sleeve or leave it if you prefer"

Hmm. That sounds good. Yea, I like that. Well, wait a minute. Don't they only serve there beverages in either plastic or paper cups? Even if I want to drink my beverage in their store? So, doesn't that make them a hypocrite? Come to think of it, they also use plastic cutlery. But wait, they will give you a plate! Uh, so they CAN and have the ability to wash items. So what is up with the glassware? 

It irks me to no end when a company CLAIMS to care about the environment, when in reality they don't actually practice what they preach. Hypocrisy at it's worst. Shame on you Caribou Coffee!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Loved this photo! 

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hi, ho! Hi, ho!

It's off to build a fort we go! 

Yes, this is one of the things I did this past weekend! I built the roof of this fort with several kids aged 3 to 9. I was the contract supervisior and engineer. The kids, well they helped sort the materials and mostly I built it, but what fun we had building it and then playing in it! It was a perfect project for a perfect day!