Rants -n- Raves -n- Odds -n- Ends

- Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the U.S. (1809-1865)

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Need anything more be written? Except perhaps, that we need an updated version?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Michigan Broccoli

If you have never had locally grown Michigan broccoli, then you might count yourself among the broccoli haters like George Bush (the father, not the idiot in office now). Michigan broccoli has softer heads that have a completely different taste. It has pretty much ruined it for me for conventional broccoli. There is just really no comparison.

The other thing I noticed is that Michigan broccoli blooms. Who knew!? Take a close look at this photo and you'll see the beginnings of a yellow blossom. Broccoli is beautiful and tasty!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Peg leg Riley

This is Riley, a horse that was given a second chance with a new leg. He arrived at Best Friends (one of my favorite charities) with a bad injury that ended with the amputation. Fortunately, the Guardian Animal Program came to the rescue and provided him with the prosthetic. He is now up and running (truly!) with the other horses. Heartwarming. It restores my faith in human nature after having a difficult day.

I finally met Ginger!

I encountered this man the other day while walking in the downtown. He graciously posed for my photo, but put the kabash on a ride. 

It is the first and only time I have seen a Segway aka Ginger in person. 

Looks like fun! Although I'm still pining for a Vespa!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Shopping Cart Races

I'm not sure how it started, but years ago a group of people decided to start a race using shopping carts. Every year the racers gather at the top of the hill on Ann Arbor's Main Street and race their cart to the bottom of the hill. I'm not sure what time of the day it occurs as Main St. is a high volume street leading into and out of town.

Somehow this year I missed the race. I usually know about it, but not this year. The only reason I knew I missed it, was the collection of carts shown here that were left outside my office door. One of the people in my office spent a fair amount to time calling various shopping stores notifying them of the relocation of their carts. (Since the average cost of a shopping cart is around $100, it is in their interest to pick them up.) It will be interesting to see how long it takes. When they were notified, it took some explaining to whomever answered the phone. It might require more than one call....

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Alas, I hardly knew yee....

I guess I just didn't care too much about the Olympics this time around. I watched it sporadically, but never caught the things that I cared about. 

I love crew. Never saw an ore.

Tried watching beach volleyball, but couldn't stand the loud music that was constantly blaring in the background. I just don't get the current generations need for constant loud stimuli. It makes we worry for the future. But that's another story. Don't get me started. Oye vay!

Anyway, I just wasn't that into the Olympics, except for Michael Phelps. Eight gold medals. Now that is cool. But please, please, please don't ever talk to me about what he eats every day.... That is unless, you eat like below.

I love this time of year!

This is what living in Michigan is all about! August is the best time of year due to the fabulous foods available at the local farmer's markets.

This was my dinner the other evening. Two Red Haven peaches, a sliced tomato, broccoli with homemade cheese sauce and steamed potatoes with cottage cheese. YUM! All flavorful, fresh and beautiful to boot! All of the non-dairy was purchased at my local market. It is a standard dinner for me this time of year. Fabulous!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Librarian Fired for writing book about patrons

This book has caused a problem for the author, Sally Stern-Hamilton aka Ann Miketa. She lost her job when this book of fiction turned out to mirror real life in the public library that she worked at.

She wrote about the patrons who spent time in the Mason County district library in Michigan. Much of what was written was about folks who were identifiable in this small community. Hence was the reason given by the director when she was fired.

Having not read the book, I can't comment on it's contents or as to the reason behind her firing, but it does beg the question, 'what happened to freedom of speech?' The fact that this all occurred within the structure of the system that defends freedom of speech more vigilantly than any other organization is troubling. It makes me want to learn more to better understand what is really happening here. I might just read this book and see for myself what the hub-bub is really about. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

If this doesn't warm your heart...

...then you must be dead.

This young man is from Khabul, Afghanistan and is the first athlete to win a medal for his country ever. He took the bronze in Taekwondo. 


What a wonderful feat for a country that can desperately use a hero right now. Congratulations to Rohullah Nikpai!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Serious recycling

We take recycling seriously.

These popped up around town recently. I'm waiting to see how they are received and how they work out.

The folks in my neighborhood don't know what is recyclable and what isn't recyclable. People who are making an effort place things in bins that won't be recycled because they are not recyclable items. No matter how the bins are labeled, they just don't bother to learn what is and is not. They end up creating more work for the folks that pick up the bins and much more work for those that have to sort through the receivables.

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an effective way to get it through peoples heads. Over and over, it's the same week after week. Maybe these new bins will have a positive change among the masses. Maybe they will start to pay closer attention.... One can only hope.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Julia Child a spy???

The list of OSS spies was released this week and begetted some surprises. Among them was Julia Child, Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg, major league catcher Moe Berg, historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and film actor Sterling Hayden. 

The release of the OSS personnel files unmasks one of the last secrets form the short-lived wartime intelligence agency, which for the most part was later folded into the CIA after President Truman disbanded it in 1945.

The CIA long resisted releasing the records. But a former CIA director, William Casey, himself an OSS veteran, cleared the way for transfer of millions of OSS documents to the National Archives when he took over the spy agency in 1981. The personnel files are the latest documents to be made public.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Texas Teachers to Carry Guns

The state that executes more people than all other states combined, has decided that teachers should be armed at school. The city of Harrold, in north Texas, is along a heavily traveled highway that administrators feel will make it a target for gun violence. Hence teachers will have the ability to carry concealed weapons while on school property. 

Of all the school shootings how many have involved close proximity to a highway so that the perpetrator could make a quick get-a-way? Ahh. Zero. Yea, the previous shootings have been by students who have felt disenfranchised. There is not one instance where a shooting occurred for convenience. What a load of bunk.

Yet more fear mongering for a select few to have their way. Having people in the general public carrying firearms scares the bejesus out of me. The general public, as a whole, are not the smartest group of people. Look what happens with crazy people and road rage. Now add a gun. It would be a return to the wild west. Yet one more reason not to move to Texas. 

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Consciousness...? On the move...?

Conscious Good Alliance. 

That is how this bus is billing itself. It is a 1984 shuttle bus that has been modified to run on vegetable oil. It gets about 10 miles to the gallon. This group is touring the country promoting the Triple Bottom Line "a business philosophy that partners with, and is committed to, the social and ecological bottom line in equal partnership with traditional bottom line financial returns". 

I didn't buy it. The bus was full of hippy through backs who looked perpetually stoned and couldn't or wouldn't discuss ideas that didn't fall neatly into their spiel. They couldn't defend the position they were sent out to promote. My guess is people they encounter are mostly curious about the bus and do very little debating or even having a two way conversation about their "movement". 

I'm not sure what the qualifications where for this "job", but my guess would be the ability to live in close proximity to one another, better than average looks, and the ability to produce a 'dear in headlights' look of wonderment. Basically the classic sales technique that doesn't answer a question, but repeats it to the asker and is supposed make the asker feel foolish or not "normal". The way a slimy used car salesman would make you feel.

If a company is going to tout that it is not only interested in "the bottom line", then it's representatives ought to be able to construct a complete sentence. But alas, incompetence runs rampant everywhere. Nice bus, no one home.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another woman for animal rights!

Olympic swimming gold medalist Amanda Beard launched her naked, anti-fur campaign poster for PETA this week at the Beijing Olympics. She posed nude in the PETA campaign because she loves animals and is horrified to see how fur in produced for fashion in some places. The original campaign launch was scheduled to take place inside Olympic Village, however, she was forced to unveil the poster outside the village gates after Chinese Authorities canceled the scheduled event because of safety concerns.

Yea, Amanda! You go girl!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Progressive Community

These are two examples of different types of infrastructure one will find in Ann Arbor. We are a progressive community and are experimenting with different methods of energy.

The wind turbine powers a light on the pole. It is difficult to see, but it is there. Not to be mistaken for the traditional light on the left.

The GIANT utility pole is a mystery to me. I have no clue as to why it is there, or what it's purpose is. What I do know is it sticks out like a sore thumb when you drive by it. It is huge and highly unattractive. Does anybody have any idea what is going on here?

The only thing I can think of that it is positioned right across the street from the new GIANT football practice area. Maybe it needs so much power to build the ugly building, that it needs hefty power lines that need the support of this strange power pole. 

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Redneck Stonehenge

I love this! 

This farmer erected this car fence as a comment to his neighbors who complained about living next to a farm that they built their home next to. They didn't like the smell and bugs that were associated with farm life. They liked looking at the animals, but apparently the animals weren't supposed to have animal smells, noise or waste. 

Gotta love those urbanites!

The farmer has a great sense of humor as he has buried the cars so that they will easily be removed. He doesn't want to cause a rift. He just wanted to make a point that he was there first and it is now a little late to complain about the situation that they put themselves in. 

I'm sure they are also complaining about the cost to drive to their homes from the distant cities they left. 

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Smoking Police

The problem is, it might just happen here in Michigan!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lost In Translation

Now that the Olympics are starting there will be many, many examples of things that just didn't get translated properly. 

Imagine all of the giggles that will be heard in bathroom stalls upon encountering signs similar to this.

I'm keeping my eyes open for the best 'misses' during the next 17 days.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Taking the whole family on vacation

Wondering where to take your vacation? Worried that Fido will miss you so much (or vice versa) that maybe you want to take him/her with you? Yea? 

Well, then here is an article for you! They have surveyed folks with pets to find the ones that welcome pets, not just tolerate them. After all they are part of the family! At the bottom of the article are the top ten vote getters.

Or check this site out for other pet friendly establishments. I'm glad that businesses are making the connection that good service includes taking care of the entire family!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Animal cruelty

Oh, the silly things we do to our pets. Do you suppose they feel as humiliated as they look?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

John McCain is no moderate...

It's interesting how many people still think Senator John McCain's positions are "moderate" when it comes to reproductive health care and rights, when the opposite is true. Do your friends and family know that John McCain's views on important issues like women's health are just as bad or worse than President Bush's? Do your part to dispel the myth! Share this video, created Brave New Films. Your words today and during the next few months matter.

Otherwise, your next President might just decide to take actions on his statement,  "I do not support Roe verses Wade. It should be overturned."

There is MUCH riding on this election. Register to vote and make your voice heard!